CUCAS“Study in China”Online Education Exhibition

Tianjin University

About the University

巍巍学府,肇基北洋。天津大学的前身为北洋大学,是中国第一所现代大学。 “兴学强国”的使命,“实事求是”的校训, “严谨治学”的校风,“爱国奉献”的传统 和“矢志创新”的追求是学校发展进步的强 大动力和不竭源泉。 天津大学的诞生,开创了中国现代大学的新范式;天津大学的成长,深深融入民族复兴、 国家富强、人类进步的伟大事业中;步入新 时代,天津大学的未来,也必将为实现中国 “强起来”贡献智慧和力量,在建设中国特色、 世界一流大学的道路上奋勇前进。1959年被中共中央指定为16所国家首批重点大学之一。天津大学是“211工程”、“985工程”首批重点建设的大学,2017年入选国家“世界一流大学建设”A类高校。2021年,天津大学在艾瑞深校友会排名中位列第十。

Tianjin University (TJU), born out of Peiyang University, is the oldest institution of higher education in the modern history of China. The motto of “Seeking Truth from Facts”, the spirit of “rigorous academic scholarship”, the tradition of “patriotic dedication” and the commitment to innovation constantly drive the university’s development. The emergence of TJU pioneered a new model for China’s modern universities and the development of TJU has been closely integrated into the great undertakings of national rejuvenation and prosperity as well as the advancement of mankind. Stepping into the new era, TJU is bound to contribute its wisdom and strength to China’s endeavor to build a powerful nation, and it is resolved to forge ahead to construct a world-class university with Chinese characteristics. TJU is among the first 16 National Key Universities designated by the government in 1959, and is also among the first group of universities to be included into the "211" and "985" Projects of national investment for developing world class universities. In 2017, TJU was selected as “Double First-Class University Plan ” by the government. In 2021, Tianjin University was ranked No. 10 on the CUAA.NET Chinese University Ranking.

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  • aslamkhankhatta****

    02:09 Jun 25, 2022

    Analytical chemistry student


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